People aren't preparing for big hurricanes, either
Thinking about uncommon things is hard to do

Thinking about uncommon things

Preparing for a flu pandemic requires us to think about uncommon things.

Some of these thoughts are especially uncommon in developed nations. But some of them are not common to anyone; we just don't think about these things.

How often do you think about:

  • Where viruses come from, how they function, how they change, how they are transmitted, and what risk they might pose to animals and/or people.
  • The biological and ecological relationships between humans and animals.
  • Living in close proximity to animals. Most people in developed nations don't. But many, many people in the world do.
  • Having your own livestock as a source of food or income.
  • What a big world it is, and how many people there are. (Quiz: Do you know how many people are living today? Answer at the end of this post.)
  • Other cultures. (Daily living routines and cultural mores are playing significant roles in the bird flu saga.)
  • Different education levels among the people of the world. Who can understand the concept of a flu pandemic? Who can't?
  • Different standards of living among the people of the world. Some people have luxury cars. Some have clean running water. Some have neither.
  • Different religious beliefs and value systems. Some people believe their lives are predestined. Some engage in ancestor worship. Some use native healers or witch doctors. Some believe in God. Some people have a servant's heart toward others. Some prey on others.
  • What is involved in producing products and services? Food? Potable water?

Thinking about uncommon things is part of how we prepare for a flu pandemic.

When I say we need to Think It Through, this is what I mean. Step back, get creative, brainstorm, get the view from 30,000 feet, think like your customer (and your suppliers), put yourself in the other person's shoes, imagine yourself in pandemic circumstances, think outside the box.

For your household, your business, your community - think uncommon thoughts. We're facing an uncommon threat.

Tomorrow, I'll give you five reasons why it's difficult to think about uncommon things like a flu pandemic. [UPDATE 8-23-06: See new post "Thinking about uncommon things is hard to do."]

ANSWER to "Do you know how many people are alive?" - The World Factbook estimates that in July 2006 there were 6,525,170,264 Earthlings. (That's how many people would need flu vaccines.)