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Europe anticipates surge in swine flu; triggered by schools?

From Reuters:

Health authorities across Europe are bracing for a third of their populations to become infected with the new swine flu virus this autumn, but do not plan to close schools or take other drastic measures to stop it.

Instead, they plan to educate people about hygiene, get vaccines out as soon as possible, and hope the H1N1 pandemic does not become deadlier than it has been.

Angus Nicoll, flu coordinator at the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in Stockholm, said:

"There are countries like Spain, Germany, the UK and others, where we have got low-level transmission now. And it won't take a lot to tip them over into accelerated transmission."

The new school year, which begins in countries across Europe in the next few weeks, could be the trigger.

Young children can spread any virus from schools and daycare centres, and health and education authorities plan to push hygiene and information about the disease high up the school agenda.