The pandemic and the economy
August 23, 2009
From an article in the Dallas (TX) Morning News regarding the impact of the recession on pandemic planning:
The question of whether North Texas is prepared for a possible onslaught of H1N1 flu is inextricably linked to the state of the American economy.In an era of continuous cost cutting, is your bank going to spring for bottles of hand sanitizer at every teller station, "high-touch" counters and ATM machines? Is your employer going to redouble its efforts to make sure its restrooms are clean and well-stocked with paper towels and hand soap?
"I would think in the midst of a pandemic-type event, they would cut the coffee instead of the cleaning service," said [Walter Cassity, director of emergency management and environmental safety for the 14-hospital Baylor Health Care System].
But public service campaigns tend to focus on individual responsibility, not corporate responsibility. There is a lot of talk about segregating sick children from well children at school but little focus on how to do that at work.
[Dr. John Carlo, medical director for Dallas County Health and Human Services,] suggests that companies should relax their sick leave policies during a serious flu outbreak. "We've got to encourage people to stay home when they are sick," he said.